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Cosmetic Dentistry at Michael Dental Care produces beautiful smiles that create confidence and make an amazing impression.
Tooth Whitening - either in the office or at home - can quickly revitalize your smile with excellent results.
Porcelain veneers are made of medical ceramic and they adhere to the front of your teeth. They can cover a range of cosmetic flaws, including chips, cracks and stains.
This practice, also known as Enamel Abrasion, changes the shape of teeth and improves their appearance by removing small amounts of enamel to get rid of surface stains.
Cosmetic bonding involves a custom-tinted composite resin applied to your teeth. It can repair teeth, fill gaps, cover stains, and produce wonderful results.
For people who want straighter teeth without metal braces, a series of Invisalign clear retainers can be a perfect solution.
Cosmetic Dentistry at Michael Dental will give you a smile that feels natural, confident, and authentically yours.